6 Reasons Why You Should Travel When Being Young Part 2

Tourism is not only a new way for you to make your life better, but also the measure to help you draw a lot of experience in life when you “get on” a train or a certain flight.
People often say, "Take a decent day, ready to learn a wisdom", traveling in one year may bring for you more knowledge than just acquiring knowledge in schools (which maybe you will spend all your lifetime to take in).

Tourism means that you not only learn about different places in the world and how all people live there, but more importantly, you will discover many things about yourself. You will witness the life in the way you have never seen before. Living alone in a strange land in a certain time period is the fastest measure to wake personal human up that you can do for your life. However, to see the full benefits of tourism, you have to start your own schedules right now from a young age.
So, let's shelve everything aside and prepare for yourself a journey to experience and challenge yourself, not to make later regret missing the exciting trips in the past. Let‘s reference 6 reasons below as a way to add "motivation" for your journey!

You can meet your same-age friends and see how they live

This sounds simple but it is a difficult job when you are getting older, because at this time, most of them have stable jobs or married. People of jobs and people of marriages are often quite similar in most places around the world.
When we are getting old, it is synonymous with the responsibility that we have to "bear" will increase a lot, so you will not have much free time to "kick up" as being single. Therefore, it would be great to travel when you know there is likely to meet new friends and they also have time to play around like you and also let you know that surroundings have many young people having the same minds and thoughts like you. However, when you are older, you will often ensconce and less concern, less meet and make new friends around.
You can do all “crazy” things that you know that you might regret
A lucky thing when you are young is that you have enough time to "forget" the crazy things you had done before. You are young and you believe that party all night until dawn is a good idea? Do not waste the things in life that you believe are attractive. Let’s response to the YOLO movement (You Only Live Once), leave aside everything "preventing" your feet until you find delight things in the simplest experiences.

Of course, saying like that, it does not mean that when you are getting older, you cannot apply YOLO movement, but most likely you will not "burn" your best, and it will cause some unpredictable consequences than when you are young.

Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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